Organic Jewelry by Allie, colorful eco jewels giving back

Hola amigas and welcome to my shop! My name is Allie Thornton, designer of Organic Jewelry by Allie. I am glad that you stop by here!

I create colorful eco jewels, giving back. My customers feel empower with statement jewels and knowing 10% percent of the sales give back in education to orphan girls in Ecuador.

I truly believe a girl who grows with love and education will become a successful and useful woman for her community. Wearing my jewels you have the power to become a hero and change a little girl 's story.

I am not minimalist, subdue or neutral. I am latina, colorful, expressive and love to leave a mark in every first impression.

The woman that loves my organic jewels, is not minimalist either, contrary she is bold and unapologetic , for her more is more and enjoys to wear colorful,unique jewels.

Finally , the artisan woman who works in our designs in Ecuador have the freedom to work from home and raise their families with economic independence.

We strive to empower women with our sustainable jewels, from their wearers, to the makers. Our customers are being part of a bigger movement, they support conscious fashion.

My inspiration does not come from trends but from the natural world surrounding us , its shapes, colors and seasons. Our designs are inspired in nature and nature ethically sourced. I create designs with natural symbolism resembling rainforest flowers and animals and our colorful palette is inspired in the color explosion found in thriving ecosystems.

The media used in my jewelry is organic and come either from sustainable harvested Amazon rainforest seeds, and nuts, or are recycled repurposed materials like wood coming from wine barrels from CA wine country where I have my residence.

For threading and weaving I prefer to use cotton, raffia, hemp, straw and other organic fabrics or hypoallergenic mediums over metal chains .

We are cruelty free, the tagua nut used in my jewelry is the alternative against animal ivory due its ivory milky color, and is known as "Vegetable Ivory" we are so blessed that the vegan ivory grows in the trees, in Ecuador and Colombia , and our jewels create awareness about elephant protections and the fact that we need to stop the killing of elephant herds just because the humanity think "animal ivory" is a luxury. As educated consumers we must support its vegan alternative.

The dies that give color to our ivory nut and produce our characteristic colorful jewels are also organic from earth and plant dies, and when dying the environment and the rivers are preserved against chromium contaminants, our design are produded in small batches leaving small carbon footprint in the environment.


Our fair price model give independence to the woman artisan who does not work in sweat shops , but from home and receive for each piece the fair value she wants to receive for her work.

I believe business is not divorced from ethics, integrity , fairness, generosity, environmentalism and community involvement and this business model makes a difference not only for the makers but for the customers who appreciate and enjoy our sustainable jewels.

I have been creating slow jewelry before the slow fashion movement became a trend. The process or dry, die, harden and polish a raw nut harvested from a tree is not fast, it takes up to 6 months for a nut to dry, 2 weeks to dry the colors, days and countless hours of beading, carving , polishing and finally treating or curating the nuts so they get curated like wood and protected against bugs and humidity changes. We don’t cut roads or steps in our artisan production, and because we warranty our jewelry will last to the next generations our prices are not cheap, are fair because they take in accounts the time we expend in this slow and fair natural jewels.


We release every year meaningful collections, trying to create with art, awareness, about climate change, ocean conservation, deforestation and environmental issues that involves us all, giving our customers the power to create a powerful impact with their fashion choices.

We are currently active donors and members of Defenders of Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, Ocean Conservancy, Center of Biological Diversity, The Rainforest Foundation and National Wildlife Federation because these ONGs share our commitment for nature conservation, protection of rainforest and biodiversities against deforestation .

In the future I envision our brand name, leaving a legacy for others. At the end of our lives the value of a person is not in how much money that person left in the bank or in the stock market, but in the lives that person touched in a positive way.

Empower yourself with ecojewels giving back and promoting rainforests conservation. Let's start to put Organic Jewelry by Allie in your life!

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